Sarus is a tool for High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems that provides a user-friendly way to instantiate feature-rich containers from OCI images. It has been designed to address the unique requirements of HPC installations, such as: native performance from dedicated hardware, improved security due to the multi-tenant nature of the systems, support for network parallel filesystems and diskless computing nodes, compatibility with a workload manager or job scheduler.
Keeping flexibility, extensibility and community efforts in high regard, Sarus
relies on industry standards and open source software. Consider for instance the
use of runc, an OCI-compliant
container runtime that is also used internally by Docker. Moreover, Sarus leverages the Open
Containers Initiative (OCI) specifications
to extend the capabilities of runc
and enable multiple high-performance
features. In the same vein, Sarus depends on a widely-used set of libraries,
tools, and technologies to reap several benefits: reduce maintenance effort and
lower the entry barrier for service providers wishing to install the software,
or for developers seeking to contribute code.
Sarus architecture
Sarus architecture diagram
The workflows supported by Sarus are implemented through the interaction of several software components.
The CLI component processes the program arguments entered through the command line and calls other components to perform the actions requested by the user.
The Image Manager component is responsible for:
coordinating the import of container images onto the system (making use of utilities like Skopeo and Umoci);
converting imported images to Sarus' own format;
storing images on local system repositories;
querying the contents of local repositories.
The Runtime component creates and executes containers,
first by setting up a bundle according to the OCI Runtime Specification: such
bundle is made of a root filesystem directory for the container and a JSON
configuration file. After preparing the bundle, the Runtime component will call
an external OCI runtime (such as runc
), which will effectively spawn the
container process. Sarus can instruct the OCI runtime to use one or more
OCI hooks, small programs able to perform
actions (usually related to container customization) at selected points during
the container lifetime.
In the following sections, we will illustrate how Sarus performs some of its fundamental operations, highlighting the motivations and purposes of the implemented solutions.
Importing container images
One of the first actions a user will perform with a fresh Sarus installation is getting some container images in a form readily usable by the program. This is accomplished by either:
retrieving images from a remote registry (e.g. Docker Hub) using the sarus pull command;
loading images from local tar archives using the sarus load command.
Sarus imports images through Skopeo, a highly versatile utility able to perform operations on image repositories, transfer container images and convert them between different formats. Skopeo is instructed to retrieve the image data (whether located on a remote registry or in a local file) and transform it into an OCI image directory, that is a directory structured according to the OCI Image Specification.
Once the container image is available in such a standard format, the image filesystem is unpacked into a plain temporary directory using Umoci. Umoci is a utility to create, modify and interact with OCI images, serving also as a reference implementation of the OCI Image Specification. The unpack operation has the additional effect of reducing the final size of Sarus images on disk, by merging together layers and potentially duplicated data.
The image filesystem contents are then squashed together, obtaining a flattened image in the SquashFS format. A metadata file is also generated from a subset of the OCI image configuration. Squashing the image improves the I/O performance of the container, as detailed below in Root filesystem.
After the SquashFS image and the metadata file are generated, Sarus copies them into the local user repository, described in the next section.
Local system repositories
Sarus stores images available on the system in local repositories, which are
individual for each user. The application expects to access a configurable
base path, where directories
named after users are located. Sarus will look for a local repository in the
<base path>/<user name>/.sarus
path. If a repository does not exist, a new,
empty one is created.
A Sarus local repository is a directory containing at least:
the cache directory for downloaded image data: this directory is used by Sarus to store downloaded individual image components (like filesystem layers and OCI configuration files), so they can be reused by subsequent pull commands;
the images directory for Sarus images: inside this directory, images are stored in a hierarchy with the format
<registry server>/<repository>/<image name>
, designed to replicate the structure of the strings used to identify images. At the end of a pull or load process, Sarus copies the image SquashFS and metadata files into the last folder of the hierarchy, named after the image, and sets the names of both files to match the image tag;the metadata.json file indexing the contents of the images folder
Structure of a Sarus local repository
Sarus can also be configured to create a system-wide centralized repository. Such repository is intended to broadcast images to users, e.g. in cases when said images cannot be freely redistributed. The centralized repository is meant to be read-only for regular users, and its contents should be modifiable only by the system administrators.
Users can query the contents of the individual and centralized repositories using the sarus images command.
Container instantiation
The Runtime component of Sarus is responsible for setting up and coordinating the launch of container instances. When the user requests the execution of a container process through the sarus run command, an OCI bundle is first created in a dedicated directory. As mentioned above, an OCI bundle is defined by the OCI Runtime Specification as the content from which an OCI-compliant low-level runtime, e.g. runc, will spawn a container. The bundle is formed by a rootfs directory, containing the root filesystem for the container, and a config.json file providing detailed settings to the OCI runtime.
Before actually generating the contents of the bundle, Sarus will create and join a new Linux mount namespace in order to make the mount points of the container inaccessible from the host system. An in-memory temporary filesystem is then mounted on the directory designated to host the OCI bundle. This process yields several beneficial effects, e.g.:
Unsharing the mount namespace prevents other processes of the host system from having visibility on any artifact related to the container instance [unshare-manpage] [mount-namespace-manpage].
The newly-created mount namespace will be deleted once the container and Sarus processes exit; thus, setting up the bundle in a filesystem that belongs only to the mount namespace of the Sarus process ensures complete cleanup of container resources upon termination.
Creating the bundle, and consequently the container rootfs, in an in-memory temporary filesystem improves the performance of the container writable layer. This solution also suits diskless computing nodes (e.g. as those found in Cray XC systems), where the host filesystem also resides in RAM.
In the next subsections, we will describe the generation of the bundle contents in more detail.
Root filesystem
The root filesystem for the container is assembled in a dedicated directory inside the OCI bundle location through several steps:
1. The SquashFS file corresponding to the image requested by the user is mounted as a loop device on the configured rootfs mount point. The loop mount allows access to the image filesystem as if it resided on a real block device (i.e. a storage drive). Since Sarus images are likely to be stored on network parallel filesystems, reading multiple different files from the image [1] causes the thrashing of filesystem metadata, and consequently a significant performance degradation. Loop mounting the image prevents metadata thrashing and improves caching behavior, as all container instances access a single SquashFS file on the parallel filesystem. The effectiveness of this approach has already been demonstrated by Shifter [ShifterCUG2015].
2. Sarus proceeds to create an overlay filesystem. An overlay filesystem, as the name suggests, is formed by two different filesystem layers on top of each other (thus called respectively upper and lower), but it is presented as a single entity which combines both. The loop-mounted image is re-used as the read-only lower layer, while part of the OCI bundle temporary filesystem forms the writable upper layer. An overlay filesystem allows the contents of Sarus containers to be transparently modifiable by the users, while preserving the integrity of container images: modifications exist only in the overlay upper filesystem, while corresponding entries in the lower filesystem are hidden. Please refer to the official OverlayFS documentation for more details.
3. Selected system configuration files (e.g. /etc/hosts
, /etc/passwd
) are copied into the rootfs of the container. These
configurations are required to properly setup core functionality of the
container in a multi-tenant cluster system, for example file permissions in
shared directories, or networking with other computing nodes.
4. Custom mounts are performed. These are bind mounts requested by the system administrator or by the user to customize the container according to the needs and resources of an HPC system or a specific use case.
5. The container's rootfs is completed by finally remounting the filesystem to remove potential suid bits from all its files and directories.
OCI bundle setup in Sarus
The JSON configuration file of the OCI bundle is generated by combining data from the runtime execution context, command-line parameters and parameters coming from the image. We hereby highlight the most important details:
The uid/gid of the user from the host system are assigned to the container process, regardless of the user settings in the original image. This is done to keep a consistent experience with the host system, especially regarding file ownership and access permissions.
If the image specified an entrypoint or default arguments, these are honored, unless the user specifies an override through Sarus's command line. For more details, please refer to this section of the User Guide.
The container environment variables are created by uniting variables from different sources: the host environment, the image, the Sarus configuration file and the command line. Unless explicitly re-defined in the Sarus configuration file or command line, variable values from the image have precendence. This ensures the container behaves as expected by its creators (e.g. in the case of
). Selected variables are also adapted by Sarus to suit system-specific extensions, like NVIDIA GPU support, native MPI support or container SSH connections.If a working directory is specified either in the image or from the Sarus CLI, the container process is started there. Otherwise, the process is started in the container's root directory. In this regard, Sarus shows the same behavior as Docker.
The container process is configured to run with all Linux capabilities disabled [2], thus preventing it from acquiring new privileges by any means. This is done in the interest of security.
A new mount namespace is setup for the container process.
The container process runs in the PID namespace of the calling host process by default. A separate PID namespace for the container can be created if requested from the command line.
Settings for OCI hooks are generated from the OCI hook JSON configuration files which are configured by the sysadmin.
Container launch
Once the bundle's rootfs directory and confg.json file are in place, Sarus forks a process calling an OCI-compliant runtime, which in turn spawns and maintains the container process.
The OCI runtime is also in charge of executing the OCI hooks specified by Sarus. Hooks are an effective way of extending the functionality provided by the container runtime without additional development or maintenance effort on the runtime itself. In the context of HPC, hooks have shown the potential to augment containers based on open standards with native support for dedicated custom hardware, like accelerators or interconnect technologies, by letting vendors and third-party developers create ad hoc hook programs.
Once the container and OCI runtime processes terminate, Sarus itself concludes its workflow and exits.
Jacobsen, D.M., Canon, R.S., “Contain This, Unleashing Docker for HPC”, Cray Users GroupConference 2015 (CUG’15), https://www.nersc.gov/assets/Uploads/cug2015udi.pdf