Configuration file reference

Configuration file entries

securityChecks (bool, REQUIRED)

Enable/disable runtime security checks to verify that security critical files are not tamperable by non-root users. Disabling this may be convenient when rapidly iterating over test and development installations. It is strongly recommended to keep these checks enabled for production deployments. Refer to the section about security requirements for more details about these checks.

Recommended value: true

OCIBundleDir (string, REQUIRED)

Absolute path to where Sarus will generate an OCI bundle, from which a container will be created. An OCI bundle is composed by a config.json configuration file and a directory which will form the root filesystem of the container. The OCIBundleDir directory must satisfy the security requirements for critical files and directories.

Recommended value: /var/sarus/OCIBundleDir

rootfsFolder (string, REQUIRED)

The name Sarus will assign to the directory inside the OCI bundle; this directory will become the root filesystem of the container.

Recommended value: rootfs

prefixDir (string, REQUIRED)

Absolute path to the base directory where Sarus has been installed. This path is used to find all needed Sarus-specific utilities.

Recommended value: /opt/sarus/<version>

tempDir (string, REQUIRED)

Absolute path to the directory where Sarus will create a temporary folder to expand layers when pulling and loading images

Recommended value: /tmp

localRepositoryBaseDir (string, REQUIRED)

Absolute base path to individual user directories, where Sarus will create (if necessary) and access local image repositories. The repositories will be located in <localRepositoryBaseDir>/<user name>/.sarus.

Recommended value: /home

centralizedRepositoryDir (string, OPTIONAL)

Absolute path to where Sarus will create (if necessary) and access the system-wide centralized image repository. This repository is intended to satisfy use cases where an image can only be broadcasted to the users, without allowing them to pull the image directly (e.g. images that cannot be redistributed due to licensing agreements).

The centralized repository is meant to be read-only for regular users, and its contents should be modifiable only by the system administrators.

Recommended value: /var/sarus/centralized_repository

mksquashfsPath (string, REQUIRED)

Absolute path to trusted mksquashfs binary. This executable must satisfy the security requirements for critical files and directories.

initPath (string, REQUIRED)

Absolute path to trusted init process static binary which will launch the user-specified applications within the container when the --init option to sarus run is used. This executable must satisfy the security requirements for critical files and directories.

By default, within the container Sarus only executes the user-specified application, which is assigned PID 1. The PID 1 process has unique features in Linux: most notably, the process will ignore signals by default and zombie processes will not be reaped inside the container (see [1] , [2] for further reference).

Running the container application through an init system provides a solution for signaling container applications or reaping processes of long-running containers.

The standalone package of Sarus uses tini as its default init process.


Some HPC applications may be subject to performance losses when run with an init process. Our internal benchmarking tests with tini showed overheads of up to 2%.

runcPath (string, REQUIRED)

Absolute path to trusted OCI-compliant runtime binary, which will be used by Sarus to spawn the actual low-level container process. This executable must satisfy the security requirements for critical files and directories.

ramFilesystemType (string, REQUIRED)

The type of temporary filesystem Sarus will use for setting up the base VFS layer for the container. Must be either tmpfs or ramfs.

A filesystem of this type is created inside a dedicated mount namespace unshared by Sarus for each container. The temporary filesystem thus generated will be used as the location of the OCI bundle, including the subsequent mounts (loop, overlay and, if requested, bind) that will form the container’s rootfs. The in-memory and temporary nature of this filesystem helps with performance and complete cleanup of all container resources once the Sarus process exits.


When running on Cray Compute Nodes (CLE 5.2 and 6.0), tmpfs will not work and ramfs has to be used instead.

Recommended value: tmpfs

siteMounts (array, OPTIONAL)

List of JSON objects defining filesystem mounts that will be automatically performed from the host system into the container bundle. This is typically meant to make network filesystems accessible within the container but could be used to allow certain other facilities.

Each object in the list must define the following fields:

  • type (string): The type of the mount. Currently, only bind (for bind-mounts) is supported.

  • source (string): Absolute path to the host file/directory that will be mounted into the container.

  • destination (string): Absolute path to where the filesystem will be made available inside the container. If the directory does not exist, it will be created.

Bind mounts

In addition to type, source and destination, bind mounts can optionally add the following field:

  • flags (object, OPTIONAL): Object defining the flags for the bind mount. Can have the following fields:

    • readonly (string, empty value expected): Mount will be performed as read-only.

By default, bind mounts will always be of recursive private flavor. Refer to the Linux docs for more details.

General remarks

siteMounts are not subject to the limitations of user mounts requested through the CLI. More specifically, these mounts:

  • Can specify any path in the host system as source

  • Can specify any path in the container as destination

It is not recommended to bind things under /usr or other common critical paths within containers.

It is OK to perform this under /var or /opt or a novel path that your site maintains (e.g. /scratch).

environment (object, OPTIONAL)

JSON object defining operations to be performed on the environment of the container process. Can have four optional fields:

  • set (array): List of JSON objects containing a single field, meant to represent the key-value pair of an environment variable. The variables defined here will be set in the container environment, possibly replacing any previously existing variables with the same names. Example:


    This can be useful to inform users applications and scripts that they are running inside a Sarus container.

  • prepend (array): List of JSON objects containing a single field, meant to represent the key-value pair of an environment variable. The values will be prepended to the corresponding variables in the container. For example, this can be used to prepend site-specific locations to PATH.

  • append (array): List of JSON objects containing a single field, meant to represent the key-value pair of an environment variable. The values will be appended to the corresponding variables in the container. For example, this can be used to append site-specific locations to PATH.

  • unset (array): List of strings representing environment variable names. Variables with the corresponding names will be unset in the container.

userMounts (object, OPTIONAL)

Normal users have to possibility of requesting custom paths available to them in the host environment to be mapped to another path inside the container. This is achieved through the --mount option of sarus run. The userMounts object offers the means to set limitations for this feature through two arrays:

  • notAllowedPrefixesOfPath: list of strings representing starting paths. The user will not be able to enter these paths or any path under them as a mount destination. Default set to ["/etc","/var","/opt/sarus"].

  • notAllowedPaths: list of strings representing exact paths. The user will not be able to enter these paths as a mount destination. Default set to ["/opt"].

Both these fields and userMounts itself are optional: remove them to lift any restriction.

These limitations apply only to mounts requested through the command line; Mounts entered through siteMounts are not affected by them.

OCIHooks (object, OPTIONAL)

Object defining the hooks that will be called to customize the container. Must use the format indicated in Configuring Sarus for OCI hooks. This object will be copied without modifications by Sarus into the configuration file of the generated OCI bundle. The hooks will effectively be called by the OCI-compliant runtime specified by runcPath.

Example configuration file

    "securityChecks": true,
    "OCIBundleDir": "/var/sarus/OCIBundleDir",
    "rootfsFolder": "rootfs",
    "prefixDir": "/opt/sarus",
    "tempDir": "/tmp",
    "localRepositoryBaseDir": "/home",
    "centralizedRepositoryDir": "/var/sarus/centralized_repository",
    "mksquashfsPath": "/usr/sbin/mksquashfs",
    "runcPath": "/usr/local/sbin/runc.amd64",
    "ramFilesystemType": "tmpfs",
    "siteMounts": [
            "type": "bind",
            "source": "/home",
            "destination": "/home",
            "flags": {}
    "environment": {
        "set": [
            {"VAR_TO_SET_IN_CONTAINER": "value"}
        "prepend": [
            {"VAR_WITH_LIST_OF_PATHS_IN_CONTAINER": "/path/to/prepend"}
        "append": [
            {"VAR_WITH_LIST_OF_PATHS_IN_CONTAINER": "/path/to/append"}
        "unset": [
    "userMounts": {
        "notAllowedPrefixesOfPath": [
        "notAllowedPaths": [
    "OCIHooks": {
        "prestart": [
                "path": "/opt/sarus/bin/mpi_hook",
                "env": [
                "path": "/opt/sarus/bin/nvidia-container-runtime-hook.amd64",
                "args": ["/opt/sarus/bin/nvidia-container-runtime-hook.amd64", "prestart"],
                "env": [